CULTURELink is strategically involved in several areas around the globe, each with unique expressions of ministry. Whether working directly with our partners or connecting you to churches & organizations around the globe, we ensure that the:
- Values and interests of the sender and field site are aligned
- Goals and expectations for all parties are clearly defined
- Long-term vision of the field site host is served & valued
- Local leadership are encouraged and valued
- Surrounding community is built up in a holistic way
- All partners ensure spiritual and financial accountability
See below to learn how and where we're involved around the globe.

The focus of CULTURELink’s Global Partnerships and Projects is to care for, develop, and mobilize the body of Christ. Staying true to our mission to make disciples of those who make disciples of all nations, we are engaged in strategic relationships and opportunities around the globe. Below is an overview of the ways in which we are empowering the body of Christ around the globe through partnerships and projects.
Worker Care
CULTURELink serves the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of Christian workers around the globe. Our staff is equipped and certified in Marriage and Family Counseling, Spiritual Life Coaching, Cross-Cultural Counseling, and Trauma Care.
Learn MoreLeadership
Short-Term Trips
We match churches and organizations with credible fields sites around the globe that adhere to our Partnership Philosophy above. We serve alongside the senders and coach them through the entire process of the trip.
Click here to make an investment into one of our partnerships and help us
make disciples of those who will make disciples of all nations.
Our Partnership Criteria
Our partnerships are an extension of our mission: to make disciples of those who will make disciples of all nations. Each partnership is led by field leadership that meets the following criteria to work with our organization.
- A Partner must have strong accountability in place for the personal, spiritual, and financial aspects of the ministry.
- A Partner must have gospel-centered ministry, not simply a humanitarian outreach. CULTURELink embraces a holistic approach to ministry that balances the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of mankind.
- A Partner’s ministry, led by nationals and/or missionaries on the field, must have clear goals and objectives. CULTURELink is committed to assisting our partners fulfill their objectives. We wholeheartedly embrace being the servants of their ministries, not the leaders.
- The Partner and CULTURELink leadership will conduct an annual evaluation assuring that the ministry, finances, and partnership is healthy. Both parties will determine if the partnership should continue and, if so, what the next goals will be.
Our Partnership Commitment
In addition to the criteria that we expect of our international partners, CULTURELink is committed to serving churches, organizations, and workers by adhering to the following characteristics:
- Humility: The vision and activity should be driven by the field site—those who are responsible for the day-to-day operations and outcomes of the work. CULTURELink’s desire is to learn from and submit to the expertise and autonomy of our partners so that we can better understand how to encourage, support, counsel, and serve them in a Christlike manner.
- Generosity: Healthy partnerships should also be marked by radical generosity as modeled in examples of giving in the New Testament. Additionally, since the majority of our organization’s funding comes from donations, we believe biblical generosity is faith-forward—it is an expression of trust in God’s future provision for our own needs.
- Availability: Everything belongs to God—time, human, and financial resources—and we must be responsible stewards who live generously (see above). As we wholeheartedly seek God to discover how He desires to deploy the resources entrusted to us, our goal is to live available—a “yes” posture to the world.
- Accountability: Partnerships should be reciprocal (giving and receiving), equally-beneficial, and marked by clear communication of expectations from all sides. Mutual accountability is necessary to fulfill commitments of both human and financial resources that God entrusts to each party.
Mombasa, Kenya
Mombasa, Kenya
Partnering with Royal Kids School & Orphanage and the Local Churches in the community of Mikindani in Mombasa, Kenya. Our work includes developing leaders, training educators, inductive Bible study, and community development.
The Middle East
and North Africa
Middle East & North Africa
Partnering with local churches and NGO’s in several countries across the MENA region and Turkey. Our work includes pastoral care and counseling, community programs, equipping refugee workers, and organizational development.
Central America
Central America
Partnering with churches & mission organizations in Costa Rica and El Salvador. Our work includes supporting church-based community development, establishing missions programs, leadership training for mid- and long-term workers, and serving business-as-mission (BAM) leaders.